Software Engineer III: Spearheaded the development and maintenance of Amex's flagship Open-Source Micro-Frontend framework One-App, utilizing React, Docker, and Node.js to enhance user interface capabilities.
Redesigned and reiterated upon continuous integration pipelines in Github Actions using TypeScript to enhance and streamline the release process of the core platform decreasing time until release by ~40%, from ~20 minutes to ~12 minutes.
Developed and designed a suite of supporting libraries and developer tools, encompassing comprehensive end-to-end testing frameworks (employing Jest, react-testing-library, and Selenium), robust content security policy tools, innovative code generators, codemods, and efficient bundlers.
Authored and maintained extensive, user-friendly documentation for the front-end framework and associated tools, significantly accelerating development processes and enhancing efficiency for developers as well as enforcing best practices within the framework to increase client and server-side render times.
Alumni trainee: Selected to participate in a comprehensive full-stack JavaScript training program. As a student, each individual took time to write full-stack web applications with test-driven development in mind. Technologies used were (MERN stack) MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js, and GraphQL.
As a student, each individual took time to write full-stack web applications with test-driven development in mind. Technologies used were (MERN stack) MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js, and GraphQL.
Learn in-demand technologies like React, Node + Express, and GraphQL as well as industry best practices for design, implementation, and deployment such as MVC, version control with Git/GitHub, agile & scrum with Trello and Slack, test-driven development, and CI/CD
Developed a full-stack wardrobe management application leveraging SolidJS with Vite for a dynamic and responsive front-end experience, and Rust with Actix Web for a high-performance back-end. Implemented RESTful APIs to facilitate seamless user creation, secure authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT), and efficient data management with MongoDB, ensuring data integrity and scalability.
Rust / C++ / TypeScript / Python / Go / JavaScript / Ruby on Rails / Html / CSS / SCSS
Git / Github Actions / React / Tailwind / AstroJs / Remix / Webpack / Esbuild / One App / REST / RPC / GraphQL / AWS / AWS Lambda / Heroku / Firebase / Docker / NeoVim / Jenkins / Artifactory / JFrog / Jest / Vite / Vitest / Cypress / Actix Web Framework / Grafana
Agile Development / Technical writing and documentation